Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What's new on Facebook?

Hi guys! How's your day? Are you ticked off by the changes facebook has made in the past few days? Well, your not alone.

First, let's review these changes. Last week, they've made some improvements to Friends List. The improved Friends List allows you to easily see and share updates from different list of friends. Then later on, they've added the Subscribe Button which allows you to get updates from people you're not friends with.

Today, they've made a couple of changes that made a lot of noise from facebook users. Let's check out these changes shall we!

News Feed: See What Matters at the Top

As mentioned from the Facebook Blog, they said the new News Feed will be like a personal newspaper. News are streamlined with the most interesting stories at the top. If you haven't visited Facebook for quite some time, what you'll see are the top photos and statuses while you've been away. They're marked with a blue corner.

If you frequently visit Facebook, you'll see the most recent stories first. Photos are also bigger than usual.

Ticker: Join Friends in Real-Time

Yes, we can all say that there are times that the News feed takes a while to load. And that usually happens when a lot of your friends are online too. Here comes ticker. For me its like a mini news feed. And the good thing about it is the updates are displayed in real-time.

Now, do you like these new changes on facebook? Or you like the old one instead. I'm hearing some trick which will allow you to go back to the old facebook. But I think that it will only be temporary.

You guys thinking of switching to a new social network? Good thing Google+ is now open to the public. Head on to and follow the blue arrow.

*Images are taken from the Facebook Blog



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